Third Party Administrators & Claims Processors

Hospital Compliance Analysis

Our services, software & reporting features add value and important details for your customers.


TPAs and claims processors shoulder a huge load in our health insurance system. It is their responsibility to process trillions of dollars in payments each year and to get claims reviewed in a timely fashion.

Beacon HCI will work to eliminate the coding and billing errors from the providers and avoid over-payment and make sure the claims are true & accurate.

You have worked hard to reduce your clients' medical costs, protected your clients and their employees, and formed valuable relationships. That is why choosing the right hospital bill compliance review company is crucial. Repricing of medical bills is not enough and algorithmic programs are incapable of a comprehensive compliance analysis that ensures all charges comply with federal regulations. Simply reducing the costs is not the full savings and will miss millions of dollars in ineligible charges each year.

We believe your hospital bill compliance review partner should help and support you, not hurt you. They should make you look good, reduce prior-to-pay mistakes, decrease the need to recover overcharges, ensure compliance, and honor your hard-earned relationships with hospitals. They should help you accomplish your goals, all while remaining flexible.


Flexibility to partner with us or to bring your solutions in house and take control.

When your hospital bill compliance review resources are in-house, at your fingertips, that gives you the control you need. Our proprietary software, LumenEx, will allow your team to identify and remove ineligible charged based on the federal regulations and billing guidelines. It can work in conjunction with your internal system to automate the compliance bill review process prior-to-payment or ajudecation.

However, additional administration and detailed review of all claims processing is not something all companies have the resources available to perform. That's why we are available to fully support our clients with personal, tailored customer service and provide you with the reporting you need to see how much your clients can save, without the in-house overhead. Our team is also available to investigate pending bills or even educate your team to independently investigate pending bills.
